One Bouquet Per Month - Local Blooms

One Bouquet Per Month - Local Blooms


Bring some homegrown flowers into your life with our local bloom subscription!  With the option to receive a fresh bouquet of locally sourced flowers either once or twice a month, this subscription is sure to leave you feeling refresehed!  Each Local Bloom Subscription include a complementary vase and is available for either pick-up or delivery.


One Bouquet of Local Blooms

Every Month for 3 Months (June, July, August)



Standard: A petite and subtle way to explore blooms from around the area. This hand-tied bouquet will provide a sample of beautiful, local stems for you to enjoy. $30/month

Deluxe: Our deluxe subscription features a medium sized hand-tied bouquet displaying an assortment of local blooms.  $60/month

Premium: Upgrade to our premium subscription for a large, lush hand-tied bouquet consisting of a vast variety of blooms and colors.  $90/month




Subscription Details:

Payment Information

  • All subscriptions ordered online will be charged a one-time cost at time of checkout.  This will cover one (1) bouquet (and delivery if applicable) for the duration of time choosen.

Flower Care and Information

  • Each bouquet will include fresh floral food and care instructions to keep your blooms long-lasting

Card Message

  • Personalized card messages may be included when placing your order.  If you would like to customize each individual month's card message, please contact the shop at (616)-459-3409 and we would love to set that up for you.

Delivery & Pick-Up

  • Subscriptions include a one-time delivery charge which will covers each subsequent delivery.
  • Delivery date to be selected at checkout.  Deliveries will be made on the same date each month (if delivery is unavailable due to shop hours or holidays, delivery will be made on the first available date thereafter).
  • For pick-up orders, please select "pick-up" at time of order.  No additional cost for pick-up orders.

Return/Exchange Policy

  • If your plant is delivered damaged or unhealthy, please call us within 48 hours of the delivery and we will be happy to resolve the issue with you. Returns are not accepted for plants that the recipient does not like.

Cancellation Policy

  • Subscriptions may be cancelled at any time.  If you need to modify your delivery address or make changes to your subscription, please contact us at (616) 459-3409 and we'd be happy to help you!


***If you would like to set-up a montly payment option, please contact or visit our shop directly***

Delivery & Substitution Policy

PLEASE NOTE: We cannot guarantee a specific time of delivery.

If the exact products shown are not available at the time of your order, we will make substitutions of equal or greater value. While we will make every effort to provide a design as similar as possible to the photo, your product will look reasonably different due to natural and seasonal variation. We will not automatically contact you if substitutions need to be made. Please call us if you'd like something specific for a special occasion!

Sympathy & Funeral Flowers

While we will do our best to provide flowers in time for funeral visitations, we cannot guarantee the flowers will be AT a funeral visitation if we are given less than 24 hours notice of the order.

Where We Deliver

We are a brick-and-mortar local family-owned flower shop located on the West Side of Grand Rapids, MI, right across from John Ball Zoo. We’ve been trusted by our local community to hand-deliver flowers for all occasions since 1904! We provide flower delivery to several locations across West Michigan, including Ada, Allendale, Alto, Belmont, Byron Center, Caledonia, Cascade, Comstock Park, Coopersville, Downtown Grand Rapids, East Grand Rapids, Eastown, Forest Hills, Georgetown Township, Grandville, Hudsonville, Jenison, Kentwood, Lowell, Marne, NE Grand Rapids, NW Grand Rapids, Plainfield, Rockford, Sparta, SE Grand Rapids, Standale, SW Grand Rapids, Walker, and Wyoming. We offer same-day delivery, next-day delivery, and priority delivery services. We offer wedding floral delivery and on- site setup as well as special event floral delivery and designer setup for anniversary parties, baby showers, baptisms, bat mitzvahs, bar mitzvahs, birthday parties, business events, bridal showers, celebration of life events, Christmas parties, corporate events, funeral wakes, graduation parties, holiday parties, luncheons, New Year’s Eve parties, quincineras, retirement parties, and more.

Local Neighborhoods, Cities, & Zip Codes

We deliver to and are located near the following local neighborhoods in West Michigan: Ada, Alger Heights, Allendale, Alpine Township, Alto, Auburn Hills, Baxter, Belknap Lookout, Belmont, Black Hills, Boston Square, Byron Center, Caledonia, Cascade, Comstock Park, Coopersville, Creston, Downtown Grand Rapids, East Hills, East Grand Rapids, Eastgate, Eastown, Forest Hills, Fulton Heights, Garfield Park, Georgetown Township, Grandville, Heartside, Heritage Hill, Highland Park, Hudsonville, John Ball Area Neighbors (JBAN), John Ball Park, Jenison, Kentwood, Lowell, Madison Heights, Marne, Monroe North, Michigan Oaks, Midtown, Millbrook, NE Grand Rapids, Northview, NW Grand Rapids, Oakdale, Ottawa Hills, Plainfield, Ridgemoor, Rockford, Roosevelt Park, Sparta, SE Grand Rapids, South East Community Association (SECA), South Hill, Southwest Area Neighbors (SWAN), Standale, SW Grand Rapids, Uptown, Walker, West Fulton, West Grand, Westside Connection, West Grand, Wyoming. We deliver to the following zip codes: 49301, 49302, 49306, 49321, 49355, 49356, 49357, 49418, 49426, 49428, 49435, 49468, 49501, 49502, 49503, 49504, 49505, 49506, 49507, 49508, 49509, 49510, 49512, 49514, 49515, 49516, 49518, 49519, 49523, 49525, 49528, 49530, 49534, 49544, 49546, 49548, 49555, 49560, 49588, 49599, 49315, 49316, 49331, 49341, 49345, 49401, 49404

Local Hospitals

We deliver to the following local hospitals:

Cherry Health, Corewell Health, Forest View Hospital, Grand Valley Health, Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital, Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital, Mercy Health Lacks Cancer Center, Mercy Health Saint Mary’s, Metro Health Hospital, Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services, Pine Rest Loeks Residency Center, Select Specialty Hospital, Spectrum Health Blodgett Hospital, Spectrum Health Butterworth Hospital, Spectrum Health Meijer Heart Center, Trinity Health, University of Michigan Health-West Hospital

Local Funeral Homes

We deliver to the following local funeral homes: Alt Shawmut Chapel, Arsulowicz Brothers Mortuaries, Arsulowicz Funeral Homes, Barto & Son Funeral Home, Beuschel Funeral Home, Brown’s Funeral Home, Cook Funeral Home, Gillespie Funeral Services, Grand Rapids Cremation Services, Heritage Life Story Funeral Homes, Just Cremation by MKD Stegenga Funeral Chapel, Matthysse Kuiper DeGraaf Funeral Homes, Memorial Alternatives, Metcalf & Jonkhoff Funeral Services, Michigan Cremation & Funeral Care, North Ridge Funeral Home, O’Brien Gerst Funeral Home, Ofield Funeral Home, Pederson Funeral Home, Reyers North Valley Chapel, Roth-Gerst Funeral Home, Stegenga Funeral Chapel, Stroo Funeral Home, Throop Funeral Home, VanderLaan Funeral Home, Van Strien Creston Chapel, Zaagman Funeral Home